Haiti Partners logo

for Change!

Matching Campaign

The spirit of konbit should
be in every community in
Haiti; it would develop the
area. The Children’s Academy
is doing beautiful work here.

~ Children’s Academy
parent, Joseph

DOUBLE your gift by 6/30! ❤️

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Haiti Partners is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

Dear Friends,

Things in Haiti are terribly difficult right now. The country is in turmoil as gangs vie for power against the government and police, at the expense of the livelihoods, homes, and lives of ordinary Haitians. Meanwhile, just outside the capital at The Haiti Partners Children’s Academy, school is open and hundreds of students, parents, and other community members are working together each day to improve their community and their lives. As Joseph (pictured above) says, “The Children’s Academy is returning Haitians to the spirit of konbit.”

Whether it’s repairing roads, helping maintain the aging water supply system, growing food for students in the school garden, planting trees, supporting parents as they work together in each other’s gardens, or organizing regular open community meetings, 
The Children’s Academy has become a catalyst for the community to come together to work for the mutual benefit of all, no matter what: To come together for change. It's this kind of vital collaboration, especially in a time of social and political insecurity, that we call, konbit.

As our fiscal year comes to a close June 30, we invite your generous support to keep this crucial work going, regardless of the current situation. We’re delighted to share that:

- Your gift will be matched up to $25,000
- 100% of your gift will go to programs

Thanks to the generosity of the major donors who make up The Circle Fund, Haiti Partners Admin and Fundraising costs are covered!

Thank you for helping us move forward with this bold vision for a new education in Haiti based on collaboration and the mutual benefit of all - as Joseph says, “the spirit of konbit.”

With love and gratitude,

Merline & John Engle
Haiti Partners Co-Directors

What your MATCHED DONATION can do:

$40 x 2 = 2 months scholarship for a student
$100 x 2 = 4 months garden assistance for parents
$250 x 2 = 2 months support for a teacher
$480 x 2 = 2 full years scholarship for a student

Want to make a Stock, QCD, or Legacy gift?
Click here.

Frequently asked questions

Your voice can
be the difference

Helping student and families in Haiti requires a broad community of support. We invite you to create a Facebook fundraiser for Haiti Partners. It takes just a few minutes and your implicit endorsement is a powerful way to bring new people to the cause. The average fundraiser on Facebook raises $150, which is enough to send a child to a Haiti Partners school for nearly 4 months.


Thank you to our generous supporters!

Paul Mulhollem & Valerie Cravens, Stocker & Allaire General Contractors,
Murphy McKenna Construction

Daniel & Susana Rohrer, Christa Brelsford & Ethan Coon, John & Lynn Loftus, Lila & Bob Bolinger, John & Stephanie Smith, Jeff Reynolds, Elizabeth McMeekin & Phil Moses, Gene & Jean Cravens, The Neeb Family Foundation, Community Church of Vero Beach

Douglas & Jill Kemper, Patricia Erickson, Randy & Shannon Collins, Harold & Nancy Engle, Kenneth & Dawn Guttman

Jeff Quick, Shelley & Todd Cassel